Contact Us

    Pricing Breakdown

    General Services: $25/hour

    Specialty Services: $35/hour

    Trip Milage: $0.10/mile (Travel starts from Cimarron Hills in Colorado Springs, CO)

    Sales Tax: 8% (Only Applicable to Items for sale or purchase by Hexo Networks)

    At all times, it is our policy to keep detailed records of the number of hours spent on a task, the mileage traveled, and any purchases made during the course of a project. This ensures that our billing is accurate and transparent, and that our clients are aware of the time and resources that have been dedicated to their project.

    However, we understand that mistakes can happen and that sometimes a customer may not be completely satisfied with the work that has been performed. In such cases, we are willing to consider a reduction in price as a gesture of goodwill, provided that both parties are in agreement about the terms of the adjustment.

    To request a price reduction, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the matter. We will do our best to address any concerns or issues that you may have, and to come to a mutually satisfactory resolution. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.